
Meena (LS- 301)

Erect, Semi-spreading plant with profuse branching

Days to 1st harvest 55-60days after transplanting

Fruits oval, medium, green in color with light green stripes, borne in clusters

Average fruit weight 50-60gm & non spiny

Good quality with excellent yield potential.

Kajal (LS- 302)

Tall with spreading branches

Days to 1st harvest 65-75days after transplanting

Fruits medium long with green non spiny calyx

Fruits light purple in color & weighs 50-60gm

High yielder having excellent keeping quality

Rana (LS-303)

Plants erect with spreading branches having good foliage

Days to 1st harvest 70-80days after transplanting

Fruits long slender with green non spiny calyx & bears in clusters

Fruits green with purple stripes & 50-60gms in weight

High yielder having good keeping quality

Sanjay (LS-304)

Plants semi erect & spreading with good foliage

Days to 1st harvest 55-60 days after transplanting

Fruits oval round with green non spiny calyx

Fruits green with purple stripes, 50-60gms in weight & borne in clusters

Very good keeping quality of 7-10 days at room temperature

Sreya (LS- 305)

Plants semi-spreading with moderate foliage.

Days to 1st harvest 55-60 days after transplanting

Fruits oval, medium in size and borne in clusters

Fruits dark purple in color, shiny with green non spiny calyx

Average fruit weight 60-70gm.

High yielder having good keeping quality

Moksha (LS-306)

Semi erect-spreading plants with good foliage cover

Days to 1st harvest 45-50 days after transplanting

Fruits oval, Violet with white stripes having green non spiny calyx

Average fruit weight 60-70gm & borne in semi clusters

High yielder with longer harvest period
