
Priya (LS-143)

Vines vigorous with dense foliage

Harvesting starts 40-45 days after sowing

Fruits cylindrical & light green in color

Average fruit weight 200-225gms & 19-22cms in length

High yielding with good keeping quality

Mitra (LS-144)

Very vigorous with excellent branching

Harvesting starts 40-45 days after sowing

Fruits cylindrical, uniform with blunt end & attractive mottle green in color

Average fruit weight 200-250gms & 18-20cms in length

Excellent yielder with crispy taste & free from bitter taste

Moumitha (LS-148)

Vines slightly vigorous with thick branching

1st harvest in starts in 40-45 days after sowing

With high yield potential

Fruits attractive green color with slight dark green shoulder

Average fruit weight 170-200 gms & 18-22 cms in length

Fruits crispy with no bitterness

Sobha (LS-147)

Very vigorous with excellent branching

Harvesting starts in 40-45 days after sowing

Fruits cylindrical uniform with blunt end & attractive mottle green color

Average fruit weight 200-250gms & 19-22cms in length

Excellent yielder with crispy taste and free from bitterness


Vines strong, vigorous & dense

1st harvest in 55-60 days after sowing

Fruits yellow with green stripes, smooth skin and oval

25-35 cm length, 12-15 cm diameter and 0.8-1.2 kg weight

Good keeping quality
