

Plants strong, semi viny growth with dense foliage

Harvesting starts 55-60 days after sowing

Pods long cylindrical, light green in color

Pod length 20-25cm, tender & stringless

Seeds small white with black haulm


Semi determinate with bushy growth

1st picking in 47-51 days after sowing.

Flowers white, pods light green, shiny and medium long with 16-20 cm length

Cluster bearing with 2-3 pods/cluster

Has good taste and keeping quality


Plants vigorous with highly dense foliage

1st picking in 45-50 days after sowing.

Pods light green slightly curved and stringless

Flowers pink, pods 20-22cm length, bears in clusters

Seed dull white in color with dark brown haulm


Plants sturdy, bushy with moderate growth

1st picking in 50-55 days after sowing.

Pods medium cylindrical green color

Pod length 15-18cm, tender and stringless

Seeds small brown in color with white haulm
